Only Warm Vibes with Your Summer Dream!

A chat with Oakland-based Melanie About her sunny Instagram that’s perfect California Dreamin’

By Darlene Alvarez, Features Editor, Photo Courtesy of Melanine @your_summer_dream_

This article originally appeared in the 2021 Print Issue of Marjorie Magazine. Order the issue now in digital or print here

Darlene: What got you into vintage?

Melanie: I’ve been into nostalgia for as long as I can remember. I was raised on a steady diet of Nick At Nite, oldies radio and classic movies. Dressing the part came naturally especially back in the 90’s when vintage was affordable for a 14 year old!

Darlene: What drew you to the 60s?

Melanie: It was absolutely the music that drew me in. I’ve been obsessed with music my whole life and it’s a big part of who I am. The ’60s always stood out to me as being one of the most innovative times in music and that absolutely rings true for the fashion as well. When I was a teen, I was heavily influenced by the mid-60’s mod scene. As I grew older, I flirted with other decades but always come back to the 1960s. Now as an adult, I’m very comfortable with my early ’60s beach party style way of dressing.

Darlene: I love seeing the knick-knacks and items featured in your pictures.(i.e. your Gidget board game) where are some of your favorite places to shop locally?

Melanie: Shopping is my favorite sport! I hunt for treasures at local flea markets such as the Laney College flea in Oakland or the Alameda antique fair. I also love going to thrift stores such as Eco Thrift in Hayward and Urban Ore in Berkeley. But honestly I am on the hunt CONSTANTLY combing through eBay or some other selling site trying to satiate my buying addiction!

Darlene: What’s your #1 dream item that you’ve yet to collect?

Melanie: Currently on my wish list: an original Pajama Party movie poster, a 45 rpm single of “Pray For Surf” by the Brian Wislon produced girl group – The Honeys, and a Miss Teenage Beauty Barbie doll.

Darlene: Gidget or Annette?

Melanie: Ooh tough question! As much as I adore Gidget and identify with her in so many ways, my heart will always belong to Annette Funicello.

Darlene: I love how you coordinate outfits to album covers. How do you think music influences us?

Melanie: I feel that music sets the scene for your life. Like a sort of soundtrack. I’ve always viewed my life as a movie and if you’ve got a great soundtrack, you’re on your way to having a great life!

Darlene: Last but not least, favorite Beach Boys album of all time?

Melanie: My favorite (not counting Pet Sounds because nothing can touch it) is Friends! Released in 1968, it’s a mellow album that is perfect for a warm Summer day.

Follow along Melanie’s sun-kissed outfits and music on Instagram at @your_summer_dream_

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